Bugs & Support

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Mobile Beta Testing Bugs & Support (2 Viewing)

Collecting all mobile testing bugs and support here!
Circle of Stars Druid Mis...
769 3,456
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Request Upgrading my subscription >>
by Srqt
84 9,835
Request Question/Help: Are "Spell Points" supported? If so, how to enable in the Character Builder. Thanks :) >>
by Silandril
10 3,674
Request Homebrew Bonus - Hit Points and Temporary Hit Points >>
by photomorph
50 7,407
Request How do you enable Honor and Sanity? >>
by Dakota972
17 2,364
Request Hex Blade, Life Drinker >>
by stew1416
37 2,497
Request Ammunition weapon property is missing from homebrew item creation >>
by Gullara
14 406
Request Hide Character from Players in Campaign. >>
by Brett_the_Unworthy
32 3,355
Request Can't Purchase Subscriptions with Prepaid Debit Cards >>
by RodTheBard
24 1,815
Request Changing Ability Scores of Sidekicks/Pets >>
by Leeber
3 253
Request Replace Damage Type not working >>
by duffusd
45 4,070
Request PDF Export Improvements >>
by elric2112
29 980
Request Divine Soul Sorcerer - Removing the 1st level DIvine Magic at later level >>
by Batunaa1
8 1,626
Request AC calculations >>
by Opthsis
14 1,074
Request Homebrew Item Charges Not Resetting During Rests >>
by ak318
92 8,412
Request Divine strike missing from Actions view >>
by Zodakar
6 710
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